Terapia mięśniowo powięziowa, masaż mięśniowo-powięziowy

Myofascial therapy – when is it worth considering it? Who is it intended for?

Myofascial therapy is a modern physiotherapy method used to treat muscle and joint pain. It is based on the concept of fascia lines created by Tom Myers – an American physiotherapist. Fascia massage relieves pain, improves tissue mobilization, and improves the overall functioning of the body.

Fascia therapy is successfully used for the following ailments:

  • spinal pains and disc disease

  • pains of the extremities of unknown origin

  • tension pains or those resulting from muscle stiffness

  • complaints related to sciatica

  • numbness or swelling of the extremities

  • conditions after injury

  • urinary incontinence, constipation, or menstrual pain

  • restricted joint mobility

  • migraines

The therapy is safe for pregnant women in the second and third trimesters, as well as in the postpartum period. It can benefit a wide spectrum of patients.

Myofascial therapy – types of therapy

The forms of therapy are selected individually, after determining the goal of the therapy according to the patient’s needs. What are the types of myofascial therapy?

We distinguish several basic methods including:

  • manual techniques, i.e. massage and applying pressure to specific parts of the body

  • self-massage involving relaxation and loosening of the fascia

  • tailored fascial training consisting of fluid and dynamic exercises

  • fascial stretching,consisting of stretching parts of the fascia

Myofascial therapy – what is the purpose of therapy?

Myofascial massage is intended to break up fascia adhesions, to restore mobility and flexibility to affected tissues. In addition, the therapy also carries psychological value. Given that emotions (anger, rage, fear) „save” and „embed” in muscles – myofascial therapy can „release” accumulated emotions and traumas, resulting in a positive psychological effect. Moreover, myofascial therapy alleviates the symptoms, but most importantly eliminates the causes. Therefore, this therapeutic method is becoming increasingly popular. Myofascial therapy treats the human body as a whole, which is characterized by a holistic approach to health.

Therefore, at our Kinespa Clinic, based on an interview and body examination, we first assess the patient’s lifestyle, movement patterns, and the consequent problems. When the causes are identified, the goal of therapy is established based on these (changing movement habits, getting rid of pain, or improving body mobility). At the next stage, we select the appropriate form of therapy that will prove most effective.

Feel free to contact our clinic or book an appointment.