Fizjoterapia NDT-Bobath, fizjoterapia dzieci

NDT-Bobath method

The method was pioneered in the 1940s in London – by a married couple Berta and Karel Bobath working in the fields of psychiatry, neuropsychology, and physiotherapy.

The NDT-Bobath method is typically characterized as neurodevelopmental therapy. It is a widely developing concept in neurological rehabilitation, involving the evaluation and treatment of patients with central nervous system dysfunction. NDT-Bobath therapy is typically used with premature infants, toddlers, and older children.

What do NDT-Bobath physiotherapy sessions consist of?

The NDT-Bobath method involves the use of special handling techniques to relax the child and mobilize their muscles and joints to function correctly. The sessions make a significant contribution to improving stable posture, increasing psychomotor dexterity, and, as a result, enabling independent movement.

When is it worth considering the NDT-Bobath method?

When your child does not lift their head, prefers one side of the body, does not like to lie on his tummy, tenses, clenches his fists, has trouble grasping toys, does not prop themselves up, is restless or, conversely, is not very mobile, does not sit up.

All these symptoms may indicate disorders related to abnormal functioning of the nervous system. In these instances, it is worth considering NDT-Bobath therapy.

What is the goal of physiotherapy using the NDT Bobath method?

The main aim of this therapy is to restore the child’s motor function and development by teaching appropriate motor control in different environments. Exercises are aimed at supporting the child’s development and forming proper patterns.

At our Kinespa office, we customize in detail a plan for individual therapy, which will take into account the child’s rate of psychomotor development and degree of fitness. The therapy is completely safe and toddler-friendly.

We recommend that parents participate in the therapy sessions.

Feel free to contact our clinic or book an appointment.