Rehabilitacja ortopedyczna, fizjoterapia ortopedyczna, fizjoterapia stawów

What is orthopedic rehabilitation?

Orthopedic rehabilitation deals with the restoration of the functions of the locomotor system and their efficiency – which have been restricted as a result of injuries, diseases, postoperative procedures, congenital and acquired defects associated with abnormal changes in the osteoarticular and muscular systems. Undertaking early motor mobilization significantly contributes to tissue nourishment, which reduces pain and lymphedema, and inhibits joint stiffness.

In our Kinespa physiotherapy office we deal with problems that require orthopedic rehabilitation applications, these include:

  • post-traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system (contusions, fractures, sprains, dislocations, inflammations)

  • diseases in the hands (carpal tunnel syndrome, de Quervain disease, Dupuytren’s disease)

  • overload injuries of the musculoskeletal system („golfer’s elbow”, „jumper’s knee”, „heel spur”, Achilles tendon pain and damage, tibial strains, ligament reconstructions – ACL / MCL, knee joint endoprosthesis)

  • shoulder injuries (painful shoulder syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, „frozen shoulder”, subacromial impingement syndrome)

  • diseases of the spine (discopathies, spinal stenosis, postural defects, sciatica: femoral , Scheuermann’s disease, torticollis)

What is the purpose of orthopedic rehabilitation?

The mission of orthopedic rehabilitation is to reduce or eliminate the consequences of injuries and immobilizations as much as possible. Depending on the type of dysfunction, the goal of rehabilitation will vary, and therapy will be tailored to the individual needs and state of the patient. The goal of rehabilitation for minor injuries may be to reduce swelling and pain in joints, tendons, and muscles. On the other hand, following severe injuries, sequelae of diseases, and post-operative procedures, it will be aimed at improving the mobility of joints, obtaining their stability, and increasing muscle strength.

Working closely with the best team of orthopedic surgeons, we strive to provide our patients with maximum safety and effectiveness of the overall orthopedic therapy course.

Feel free to contact our clinic or book an appointment.