Rehabilitacja zaburzeń równowagi - zaburzenia równowagi - problemy z błędnikiem

Rehabilitation of balance disorders

Diseases of both the central and peripheral nervous systems can lead to balance problems. Dysfunction in the cervical spine area, problems with the vagus, or misinterpretation of impulses coming from the peripheral system are common causes of many problems that impede daily functioning.

How to recognize if you are struggling with balance disorders

Balance disorders are experienced as unsteadiness  which can be caused by damage to the musculoskeletal system (post-traumatic conditions, arthritis, paresis), as well as proprioception disorders.

Rehabilitation of balance disorders – what does it consist of?

Through gentle manual techniques that restore proper tension to soft tissues, balance disorder rehabilitation improves the blood supply and innervation of systems related to body balance. Individually selected sets of balance exercises, coordination exercises, self-correction of the figure, and strengthening of neuromuscular control, help develop motor stability in balance disorders.

Rehabilitation of balance disorders – who is it for? What is its purpose?

Rehabilitation of balance disorders is dedicated to patients with symptoms of dizziness, tinnitus, and a tendency to fall. Rehabilitation of balance disorders is aimed at stimulating compensatory mechanisms in the central part of the nervous system (responsible for maintaining balance) – which will effectively eliminate or reduce the aforementioned ailments and therefore significantly improve the quality of life of patients.

In our Kinespa Clinic we adhere to the idea that it is necessary to act comprehensively – therefore, work with the patient is carried out on several therapeutic fronts simultaneously. Improving motor function, muscle strength, proprioception, and perception of the environment.

Feel free to contact our clinic or book an appointment.