Terapia falą uderzeniową, leczenie bólu, fizjoterapia

Shockwave therapy

Shockwave therapy is becoming more and more commonly referred to as one of the most effective non-invasive pain relief treatments for musculoskeletal disorders (ligaments, muscles, tendons, joint capsules, bones) to relieve chronic pain.

Shockwave therapy – what does it involve?

The shock wave system is based on the use of acoustic waves, which have therapeutic qualities. The acoustic wave is characterized by certain properties, in particular, high, surging pressure, which is released in a very short time. The device generates pressure in the range of 10-100 MPa in about 10 nanoseconds.

As a result, just after the application of the transducer, the wave penetrates the skin to a depth of several centimeters hitting the specific area affected.

Shockwave therapy – when is it worth considering therapy and what is its goal?

Indications for shockwave therapy include chronic back pain, degenerative joint changes, heel spurs, tennis elbow, shoulder pain, or tendonitis.

The shock wave is designed to have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It also stimulates blood circulation as well as relaxes and unwinds.

Shockwave treatments are being used in rehabilitation with increasing frequency and are very popular among patients who are struggling with disease processes located in the subcutaneous tissues, as well as in those much deeper, requiring greater effort to eliminate them effectively.

Feel free to contact our clinic or book an appointment.