Terapia uroginekologiczna, fizjoterapia, nietrzymanie moczu

Urogynecological therapy – what does it consist of? What is its purpose?

Urogynecological therapy involves learning to consciously tighten and relax the perineal muscles to improve their flexibility. The therapy mainly involves exercises to relax or tone the pelvic floor muscles, breath work, and manual therapy.

The main goals of urogynecological therapy are to increase awareness of one’s own body by re-educating posture, breathing, and eliminating nervous habits. Learning how to optimally contract the pelvic floor muscles, making the pelvic structures more flexible as well as improving blood circulation, and establishing correct movement habits and patterns.

Proper rehabilitation restores tension and strengthens weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Urogynecological therapy – when should it be used?

It is commonly believed that urogynecological physiotherapy is for women who are pregnant or just after childbirth. However, a urogynecological physiotherapist deals not only with the treatment of ailments but also with prevention. Due to this, it is worth considering the decision to take therapy even before pregnancy, to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

The main indications for undertaking urogynecological therapy

The main indications for therapy are:

  • urinary incontinence

  • fecal incontinence

  • genital prolapse

  • sexual dysfunctions

  • painful menstruation

  • problem with the separation of the rectus abdominis muscle

Urogynecological rehabilitation is indicated for pregnant women, as a form of preparation for childbirth, to offset pregnancy-related ailments (pain in the spine or separation of the pubic symphysis), and also as postpartum recovery. In our Kinespa Clinic, we provide patients with an intimate atmosphere, discretion, and an individual approach, the therapy is carried out individually. Before initiating therapy, we conduct a detailed interview with patients and examine the capacity of the pelvic floor muscles.

At Kinespa, urogynecological therapy is a painless and non-invasive type of exercise-based therapy. The course of physiotherapy sessions is directly tailored to the specific needs of each patient.

Feel free to contact our clinic or book an appointment.